Thursday, December 6, 2007

Something that changed me

Something that I can say that changed my life is when I stop hanging with the wrong group of pepole.Wrong meaning pepole that was headed in the wrong direction in life. When I was younger I became popular by being outgoing pretty funny person.Little did I know I attracked alot of attenion to myself.The more I stood out the more disruptive I became such as school work and home duties.The group of guys I started to hang with was also doing the samething.We all started to bond together but for the wrong reason.

Things started to change as I got older and more problems started to ocure.School work became second and my image became first.All could care about is what my peers thought of me just to prove i was down with them.We started doing petty crimes together and skipping school to party.I tried to hide it from my mom but she quickly cought on by the drop in my grades.One day my teacher came to me and said that she notice the drastic change in my behavior and she was disapointed and the guys that I was around was bringing me down with them.At the time I didn't know what she had mean by that.Then One day the guy that I hung with every day decided to skip school with out me because I was tying to catch up on my grades and old class work.Later that afternoon I found out they where all arrested for stealing a car.Thats when I thought to myself I could of been in that same stolen car with them.

Growing up I learned alot of things about good judgement and the ones you call freinds.Thats why I try to stay to myself and and make good calls on how to improve my surroundings. Being the center of attention can be positive and negative at the same time.I think it all about how you do things to better your self.Every one makes mistakes but it's all about how you recover from it that can determin you.If person remain to keep a stong mind many doors can open for in life.

Thursday, October 25, 2007

usual suspecct

This movie is one of my favorites.It's about a group of men who are called together to commit a crime of hijacking a boat by a unknown person.In a crazy way they're all linked together from previous crimes. The men all agree to go ahead with the plot of the crime,during that still try to figure out who is this mysterious person who called them all who's name is Kiaser Sozay.The find out that Kiaser Sozay is a ruthless crime boss that they all crossed in the past without knowing it.In order for them to survive they must do the crime without ant outside sources finding out.Some of the men brake that bond and are killed as a penalty.When they finally hijack the boat they realize that the boat is empty of merchandise and it's a set up the boat explodes. and they all die accept for one.In the end the sole surviver is Kiaser Sozay himself who was part of the group of men. He fooled them into beliving he was a low life criminal like the others just to get get them all at the end.

Tuesday, October 23, 2007

I was once dating this girl who i fell in love with.I tried to so much in this relationship that we shared together.Things started to get bumby when problems in my life stared to occur,thats when i noticed her change in attuide.She always told me that she will be there for me when things where going good but as soon as something happen her true colors came out. I guess you dont know a person until their trust is realy put on the line.

Thursday, October 18, 2007


So u want to be hardcore with your hat to the back, talking about gats in your raps. I cant feel that hardcore appeal that your singing maybe im dreaming.

Tuesday, October 16, 2007

sample post

This is a sample post